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Google Ads Services

What is Google Ads?

Along with the SEM positioning, Google Ads is shown as an indispensable element for the advertising and marketing strategy of any company.
Previously known as Google Adwords, Google Ads is a system specialized in advertising over the Internet, which allows you to create and publish ads aimed at a specific target audience that improve the visibility of a website on the Internet, and is ranked as one of the best customer acquisition methods.

Why use Google Adwords?

If You Want To Increase The Visibility Of Your Website On The Internet, In Google Ads You Will Find Your Best Ally. Why?

Increased quality Traffic

With campaigns in Google Adwords creation Google Ads, we target your audience that will be interested in the products or services you offer, allowing you to attract onto increase qualified and quality traffic. In this way, we discard those users who are not interested.

Global and Local Segmentation Power

Google Ads allows us to segment campaigns so that we publish your ad where it is necessary, either locally or globally.

Non-Intrusive Advertising

Google Adwords advertising is not intrusive because it only shows ads to an audience that is looking for your products or services.

High ROI

By serving ads to a specific target audience, we increase the conversion power of campaigns. We improve the CTR and also the dissemination of your business, reaching users who are interested in what you can offer them.

Google Adwords Service By Chord Digital Services

Search Campaigns

With search campaigns, we show your ads to those users who are looking for products or services that you offer in your business.

Display Campaigns

Our display ads attract the attention of potential users through visual and attractive advertisements on other websites.

Google Shopping

If you have a product catalogue, we show each of them to potential customers who are looking for what you offer. Without a doubt, increase your sales.


Do you have your application? With Google Ads, we show it to your target audience, getting them to interact and increasing downloads.


Our remarketing service helps you reach those users who have interacted with your website or mobile application, increasing the possibilities of a sale.

Video Advertising

We tell your story and share an experience through videos on YouTube, which is the second most used search engine in the world.